IP Plane 1 – Ingenious Performance Many checks were done Intensive work Well arrived
In the elective course „Aircraft construction” (German: Wahlpflichtfach Flugzeugbau), 9 students met in two groups to work on some important activities at our IP Plane 1, the VANS RV-12. Beside the annual condition inspection and some service bulletins, the teams also replaced the nose wheel of the aircraft. Two highly motivated teams have been successfully working on the topics, including the removal and attachment of the wings and the transport of the plane. We had to take the plane back to Reutlingen University to work on all the topics because there we have all needed equipment. Thanks also to Mr. Hans-Peter Mayer for all special tools we needed for all the work. All of the activities were processed only by our students. Everything have been supervised by Prof. Jochen Brune and Markus Wachter. Two successful weeks ended with a test flight where everything worked well!