Thired Milestone SoSe23

The IP-Plane Project Reaches New Heights in Summer 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination!

The IP-Plane project stands as a shining example of determination and teamwork. The students of the International Project Engineering study program have been hard at work, striving to complete their ambitious goal of building a Pitts Model 12 acrobatic airplane. As the summer semester draws to a close, it’s time to take a closer look at their journey and the significant milestones the teams achieved.

Setting the Project’s Objectives

From the outset, the IP-Plane project had clear goals. Their primary aim was to successfully complete the planned project phases. The team did not put the focus on speed; their commitment was to the responsible, careful, and accurate execution of each task. The ultimate objective was not just to build an airplane but to ensure it met the highest quality and safety standards for future pilots and passengers.

Effective Project Management

Successful projects rely on effective project management, and for this semester this was no exception. The project management team played a crucial role in creating a structured and organized project environment to ensure smooth progress. They worked diligently to put measures and guidelines in place, not just for their own success, but to benefit future project teams as well. Continuous improvement and optimization were central to their efforts, and they always searched for the best solutions to any challenges that arose.

Maintaining Quality and Procurement

To ensure quality and safety, the project implemented stringent standards and procedures. These measures helped maintain a safe working environment and ensure a successful execution phase. The careful procurement of spare parts and tools in a timely manner became a hallmark of the project. The team’s commitment to continuous improvement was evident through the constant monitoring and refinement of procurement and quality processes. Behind the scenes, the system administrator played a crucial role. She was tasked with creating a clear and organized folder structure, documenting everything as required, and saving essential documents. She also took the initiative to collect valuable lessons learned to improve project efficiency for future semesters.

Team Achievements

The different teams working on various aspects of airplane construction have achieved significant improvements on the plane. For example, the Wing Team identified issues with cracked corner blocks and initiated a plan for repair. They also organized new wing chairs, installed aileron hinge assemblies, and found solutions for challenges like anti-shafe discs to ensure the wing’s integrity.

The Fuselage Team aimed to make the canopy easily operable without resistance, completed sheet metal work, and made the windshield safe. They also produced brake lines, tested their durability, and assembled them to the gear leg. Throughout, they maintained a supportive team atmosphere. The Engine Team achieved some improvements on the motor, and with a comprehensive understanding of processes and careful planning, the Winter Semester 2023/2024 can hopefully start with the mounting of the engine. Lastly, the Avionic Team focused on understanding avionic components and sensors, devised a testing and documentation strategy, procured missing components, and finally started to make the first live tests on the EFIS and installed the E-Box.

In conclusion, the IP-Plane project’s journey in the summer of 2023 highlighted the dedication, precision, and teamwork of its student teams. Each member significantly pushed the project forward and worked diligently to construct the Pitts Model 12 acrobatic airplane with quality and safety in mind. As the project continues towards its future the Summer Semester 2023 wishes all the fun and enjoyment for all the upcoming teams.